LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames


Someone from the annual Black Hat Technical Security Conference has discovered an exploit that unveils the MAC address of someone's home router and have thought of a potential way of using it to find out someone's address via a carefully tailored webpage. It's an interesting idea minus the privacy concerns... Every networking...


また一眼を持ちながらお散歩行ってきましたが、いいアイデアが思い付けなかった。それでも、またあの時の蝶を見かけて写真をもっと良く撮るようにやってみました。まあ、普段の蝶だけど、面白い名前が付いてるらしいね。「Painted Lady」って「ペイントのかけている蝶」という意味とか。何だか「6人の医師ホスピタル」で登場のオオカバマダラの形しているらしいが違うです。ちなみにこの時期にスコットランドには数が一番多そう。日本でも見かけたことある? 表は綺麗ですが、裏は暗いね。でも、これは休みの時に敵の視線から無事に隠れるようのためです。花から蜜を吸い以外、道で日焼け...

Xenoblade Review

Presentation Summary Xenoblade is one of the rare RPGs on the Wii that looks good and plays well generally. However, it has more of an MMORPG feeling to it where you have to spend a fair amount of time level grinding mixed in with some rare monsters to hunt down for rare items. T...

Official Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero Novel Gets Drama CD

Can't get enough of the FFXIII story? Well, "Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero - Promise", a set of novellas that take place before the events of the main game, has been freely available for reading online for some time now. Only chapter one of the story "Encounter" came on a bonus drama CD with the 5 disc, First Press Limited Edition of the...


ずーっとここで通っていたが、最近までこのマーケットのことが気付いていなかった。でも、日曜日に大声のお陰でちょっと入ってみてきた。 残念ながらあの日に撮った写真はこれしか残っていなくて売っていた物を見せてあげられません。いろんな古いものがあったが、手芸品や地元の写真も あった。それから、もう成年の方は飲みに行くことも出来るパブもあります。 そしてある角にこの非常階段を気付いていました。「何かいい写真になるだろ」と思って撮りました。ちなみに黒白版か色付きがどっちがいいか分からん か打てどっちもここで載せるね(笑) こんな非常階段はどこでもあるだろうね。でも...


Legend of the Legendary Heroes 伝説の勇者の伝説 Edit - There's actually more to this show than meets the eye. Watch this if you like intricate plots.   Amagami SS アマガミSS Mitsudomoe みつどもえ Dropped Shukufuku no Campanella 祝福のカンパネラ Seitokai Yakuindomo 生徒会役員共 Watch Gakuen Mokushiroku - Highs...

5 Centimetres Per Second, Cosmonaut Translation Completed

As you'll no doubt already know, a new production blog is up and running for Shinkai's next movie. But while we're waiting for the official site to be up with more details, here's the next part of the novel translated in English, "Cosmonaut" which is told from Kanae's perspective. The water dazzled under the rising sun just above the...

Makoto Shinkai Joins Twitter, Starts New Production Blog

The official site for Shinkai's forth movie isn't ready yet but production of the final movie is under way. He has also joined Twitter (in Japanese of course) and started a new production blog to keep track of the progress. He already has over 1000 followers at the time of writing. Apart from the short introduction from the blogs...