LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames


It feels like a while since I wrote something for this blog. You will probably have noticed I haven't been writing for my blog much lately nor have I done any more translations. The reason behind that is that I am very much preoccupied with my full time job these days. That said, I still play games and watch the odd Anime show... Just not as...

Valkyria Chronicles Review

Gameplay Presentation Summary Valkyria Chronicles is a great ASRPG which deserves the Guinness World Record award for best PS3 SRPG with so many well thought-out elements that offer some rewarding gameplay. The extra download content such as extra hard mode and side story missio...

Last Ranker Review

Gameplay Presentation Summary Last Ranker has a fairly unique battle system and some nice ideas going, allowing you to challenge almost any NPC you like to go up the ranks. Unfortunately, the idea is very poorly executed and it's overuse of the same enemies, lack of variation vis...


「禁煙」や、「禁飲食」も公衆交通では普段だけど、最近イギリス、スコットランドには新しいお知らせを加えたらしい… 「音楽のボリュームを下げて下さい」と。 ボリュームの大きすぎ音楽に迷惑されている人がたくさんいるだろね。イヤーホーンを使ってもボリュームが大きい。でも、わざと他人を迷惑かけていると思う。ただエンジンの音が大きすぎで、それを対にプレイヤーのボリュームも上がるね。ノイズを外れるイヤーホーンを買った方がいいと思うけど、例えば頭にかけるヘッドホーンね。 そう言っても、携帯で音楽を流せる人もいるけどな… 正直と言えば、見張っている人がいない限りこんなサイ...

ペルソナポータブル3ドラマCD Vol.1 八月発売

So, how have those of you in NA being enjoying the localised version of Persona 3 Portable? I think they did a good job with the original game so I presume they've done the same with the portable version. Anyway, just wanted to let you Persona fans know the first P3P Drama CD is due out in August 28th this month, featuring all the new...