The latest Shin Megami Tensei game, "Strange Journey" tells of how humans have reached the point where the population has exceeded the 70 billion mark but without resolving the many issues that damaged the natural habitat of Earth, an odd phenomena has occurred in the Antarctic. A giant magnetic hole has appeared and is slowly...
The official site for Atlus' latest Shin Megami Tensei title, Strange Journey is up as mentioned it would be last time. I think Meguro's doing a good job with the music so far if the trailer's single soundtrack is anything to go by. It doesn't have the same pop style P3, P4 and indeed the more recent Persona PSP had....
It's not for the PS3 as I was expecting from the "leak" last time but maybe that's good news since I'll be able to play it! I guess the DS could be considered "new hardware" since it has received a proper SMT game yet. Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey will be for the DS on October 8th. Taking place in the early 21st century, a portal to...