A gateway to the Beyond opened in New York City which meant the city was now known as "Hellsalem" as strange creatures and humans alike started living together. Leonardo travels to this city hoping to find a cure for her sister whose eyesight was taken during the incident while heĀ gained the all seeing "God's Eyes". The ability earns...
Gainax is really pushing the Evangelion 2.22 marketing at full force with burgers and a fully themed convenience store. It might make sense considering how the simultaneous Blu-ray and DVD limited edition releases are out next month in Japan. Then again, the very first movie's DVD LE release still sold out last time without this much...
Looks like Apple was serious when they said their iPhone can set a challenge for the DS and PSP. They've managed to get hold of a number of big name titles for their phone and I think the most surprising one is probably Metal Gear Solid Touch. Then there's also DDR S Lite, Katamari and Sim City... I even read there's going to be a DJ Max title...