Yusaku Godai is a "ronin", a student waiting for his next chance to pass university entrance exams. To make things worse, he lives in a shared rundown apartment called the "Ikkoku Apartment" with a group of inconsiderate and strange neighbours. Despite his best efforts to study a...
Itogami Island is an artificial island not far from Tokyo, one of the many "Demon Districts" that was home to demons and other mythical creatures. They live along side humans and were protected as endangered species while under observation for research. Kojou Akatsuki had discove...
Nobuaki Kanazawa has just transferred school but he tries desperately to keep his distance from everyone despite how friendly they were. He was the only survivor of something known as the "King's Game" where if someone didn't follow orders, they would die a horrible death instant...
Humans have made contact with aliens while exploring planet Mars. Now Earth is fighting a losing war against them who they now called the "BETA". The war is going so badly that even new trainees are being sent straight to the battlefield before completing their training. Yui Taka...
Irisdinia is believed to be a survivor of an attempted coup d'etat by betraying her own family to the Stasi, the repressive secret police of Eastern Germany who did not take kindly to treason or spies. However, Earth was now under threat from an alien race known as the "BETA" tha...
Kazuma is a NEET who spends his time playing RPGs all day. One day after a fatal accident he is given the chance to reincarnate as a new person in a fantasy world, promised that he will retain his memories and it will be like the RPGs he usually plays. Fantasy RPG worlds were so...
Hachiman Hikigaya is a loner who has decided to distant himself from people by being depressing and self-deprecating, particularly girls since the day he was rejected. When his teacher finds his essay about his high school life full of contempt, she decides to send him to the "Se...