LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames


Japan Trip 2023 - Day 10, Laundry & Kitaro Tea House Re-visit

Been wondering why the partitions on apartment balconies can be removed and I think I know why; access to fire emergency stairs along the side. If you ever wondered how dirty cash can be check out the white tissue I wrapped my coins because I had too much and wanted to separate some. Not pretty... Morning was laundry time for mesince...

Japan Trip 2023 - Day 9, Suzume no Tojimari Locations, Gegege no Kitaro Park

Another clear day. Weather's been mostly great this trip just like last time. Only a day of rain so far. I decided to go out and grab the rare Figma Pokemon Red figure for my friend in the morning because one I spotted in Lashinban, Culture Zone was already gone despite the £200 price tag. Might be the last chance to grab the second one I...