Although it's been 10 years since Neon Genesis Evangelion aired, the series still goes on strong today. This time the series joins Gungho (famous for Ragnarok Online) MMORPG, Emil Chronicle Online. From August 25th, players can purchase 2 special versions of the game which will give them access to limited Evangelion related items...
The official site for Falcom's latest title PC title is now open. Gensou Sangokushi II is actually a translation of the Taiwanese RPG Fantasia Sango II (?????2) that's set in the ancient Chinese times, towards the end of the Han Dynasty when the lands were in chaos. The game centers around Chu Ge who goes looking for his two friends, Han...
Version 2 of the popular browser Firefox is now reaching its beta stage and the UI looks exactly the same as it does now. However, new features include an in-line spellchecker, microsummaries, antiphishing and whole host of improvements and bug fixes.
With a release candidate version planned for next month, maybe that's what made...
Based on one of Falcom's long running and popular action RPG series, "Ys Online" is currently being prepared for a closed beta session in Korea. Developed by Korean CJ Internet Corp, the MMORPG should officially hit the market towards the end of 2006 in Korea. There are plans to release the game in other countries there afterwards...