Just over a week before the new Wi-Fi enabled Puyo Puyo DS game is released and while you're waiting for it, you can try out the various mini games at the official site. Something to do while you're waiting for that next lecture or during your breaks ;)...
From December 1st to the 15th, Rockman fans will be able to buy train passes at participating stations featuring the upcoming Ryuusei no Rockman game for the DS. During this time period, there will also be various original illustrations downloadable via the official site. Currently there's one up with an early "Happy New Year...
Head on over for a short Flash intro and a few wallpapers to download. There's also a bundle of new sections open too such as character profiles with romanised names and a viewable in-game video that shows the beginning of the story....
Anyone who buys the game early will get a mini soundtrack CD full of unreleased, early experimental PCM and FM tracks as well as a full version of the opening. The list of tracks is as follows:...
Quote from Game Press... Liezen, Austria, 29. November 2006; Allerts, Bluelights and bloody excorations...
With a PSP game already out, this version of the popular "I'm an Air Traffic Controller" sim lets you use the touch screen to guide planes safely to their landing areas. There will be 5 Japan based airports you'll be working from which are Fukuoka, Kansai International, Chuubu International, Tokyo International and New Sensai...
Covering everything from society, Anime to Manga you'll get all sorts of miscellaneous questions in this quiz game. There's the main quiz mode with 7 levels of questions which will reward you with a title once you've completed them, a time period based quiz mode, survival and versus mode that allows up to 10 players....
Now here's a new one for you - "EQ Trainer DS: Dekiru Otona no Communication Jutsu", "Communication Skills for Adults". As the name suggests, this title aims to train your EQ ("Emotional Quotient", AKA "EI") which is a measure of how well you can perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of yourself and others. Pretty social stuff. The...
Full name "Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shichida-shiki no Shunkan Training", the title is aimed at giving the right side of your brain a workout. I doubt I have to tell you what each of these exercises do by now if you've played Brain Age or any other similar title. This one's a little more "special" because the title's actually based on 3...
Not only do Rockman fans have a chance to obtain Subaru's pendant but now they can obtain limited lunch box goodies by pre-ordering with e-Capcom. The only catch is, these don't come together in a set. Instead, each version of Ryuusei no Rockman will come with a different good. Pegasus comes with the lunch tote bag, Leo comes with the...