First, the extra dungeon "Soul of Chaos" that was added to the GBA remake is confirmed to reappear in this PSP version. The dungeon features new events as well as 4 powerful elemental enemies like the one you see here Gilgamesh. Next is the new "Labyrinth of Time" added just for this PSP remake which also features new events. In this...
Only 3 days before this excellent rhythm game gets released but the clock seems to be ticking ever so slowly! But don't worry, the site has been updated with a playable demo today to tide you over featuring the song "Sunset Rider" in the new 5B mode! Fever mode is a brilliant new feature as mentioned before, acting as a score and combo...
Check out this funny little concept art of the new protagonist using his new "see through" ability. He's staring so hard he must be scaring the witnesses! Well, at least it's working on Minuki in the background, orz. So what is the final pose that he uses with his new ability? Well, we'll just have to find out when the game's released on...
Not official, just the fans trying to compare the locations used in the recently revealed OP out of interest. Japanese animation artists usually use real locations for their shows and so the Koreans who are using their art style follows suit. I recognised Paris in France and Shibuya in Japan but didn't notice Melody in Hong Kong! One...
Pretty random stuff. According to the BBC News website, the people that were at the launch event this morning in London received a free 46 inchi HD TV worth...
Following the success of their previous two Pokemon Mystery Dungeon titles that has sold over 5.5 million copies, Chunsoft announces that they are now developing two more titles to add to their Mystery Dungeon series. No details or even subtitles have been revealed yet but they both be for the DS and is planned for sometime this year....
Now here's a trainer that would come in handy for people who have yet to get their drivers license. It also has the longest DS title yet which is (deep breathe)... "Simple DS Series Vol. 14 The Jitensha Kyoushuujo DS ~ Gendouki Tsuke Jitensha, Futsuu Jidou Nirin, Oogata Jidou Nirin, Futsuu Jitensha, Futsuu Jitensha Nishu, Chuugata...
Looking at the screens and thinking Phoenix Wright? Well, you're not far if you're thinking about the bonus case in the DS remake with Ema Skye in it. In "Kanshikikan 2 ~Aratanaru Yattsu no Jiken wo Tacchise yo~", you once again play as forensic scientist Shikiko Enami. The idea is to use your forensic skills to help the investigation...
Yes, you read that right. Read the Heart Sutra "Prajnaparamita-Hridaya-Sutra" on your DS with "DS ga Tehodoki! Hannyashingyou Nyuumon". There are also illustrations for you to render in colour and a read aloud function built-in. Illustrations are done by Jirou Kuwata who happens to be the author to a series of books related to...
Hmmm, just how many times are they planning to remake these? Final Fantasy II for the PSP is set to go on sale on June 7th featuring the extra scenarios added to the GBA remake, original dungeons only for the PSP and also the PSX remake opening. Oh, and better graphics. Congratulations on 20 years of Final Fantasy, Square-Enix!...