The light novel series that turned into an Anime show and infected the Anime community with its Harehare Yukai dance is finally getting its first official game. The adventure game (i.e. visual novel), which will be developed by Bandai, is be set for sometime this year and is currently called, "Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu" working...
Sequel to the DS game "Kyouryuu Grand Prix" that went on sale back in 2005 August, you play as a young boy who travels back to the time of dinosaurs in "Kyouryuu Monsters". In your adventure you'll be making dinosaur friends, fighting the bad guys and trying to become the King of the Dinosaur Grand Prix. During battles, commands are...
The idea in "Tsunde Tsumikiss" is to manipulate a collection of shapes and pile them up so that they're over a certain height. You have a limited time to do this and every time you throw away a piece that you don't want, the time gauge will drop. You will also have to keep an eye on the balance gauge while piling up the pieces or they will fall...
The Famistar baseball series first began 20 years ago in 1986 on the Famicom console and now it's back with "Pro Yakyuu Famistar DS" Apart from the traditional way of playing it you will of course be able to play using the stylus too. Apart from that, you can pretty much expect the modes you would in a sports game. Wi-Fi support will allow...
Dubbed "Gemini Edition", this limited edition white DS Lite is actually the best one I've seen out of all the others released so far. Even the game's boxart is looking fantastic! The last FFXII: Revenant Wings DS Lite didn't manage to get the enthusiasts queuing up overnight for it unlike the FFIII Crystal White Edition but, I think...
The Famitsu site reveals a screenshot of Angeal, Zack's senior who leaves Soldier in pursue of something. There's also the mysterious Genesis Copy and the youngest member of the Turks, Cisne. Finally, Yuffie is also going to be making an appearance during the Wutai War. Can't wait for this game but why does it have to come out when the...
Pre-order the upcoming Rockman ZX Advent game before its release date on July 12th and you can get this mini A5 sized notepad. Only if you do it at Capcom's online shop, though. It is a first come first served basis and each side of the notepad cover will feature a different Rockman ZX Advent illustration. Not sure where Play-Asia will be...
"SIMPLE DS Series Vol. 21 The THE Hohei ~Butai de Shutsugetsu! Senjou no Inu-tachi" will have you playing as a soldier in over 30 different kinds of battlefields. Defeating enemies will gain you experience points that'll increase your stats and by obtaining various items you'll have access to a wider range of weapons. And, not only...
"SIMPLE DS Series Vol. 20 THE Senkan" will feature over 30 different stages based on events that happened between 1941 ~ 1943 where you'll be able to take control of some historical battleships. The missions you go through will change depending on the route you choose. The touch screen will be modelled like a cockpit for you to control...
Starting a new game in "Sugar Bunnies DS" you'll be creating your own Sugar Bunny which will act as your avatar in the world of Bunnies Field. Here you'll meet various other bunnies, receive requests from them and then have to cook for them after gathering up the ingredients and recipes you need. There will be a bundle of mini games to play...