Young middle schooler, Youichi Ajiyoshi lives alone with his mother, working hard to keep their humble restaurant "Hinode" running after the father passed away. The regulars call him, "Ajikko" due to the excellent food he makes. One day he meets Genjiro Murata, "The King of Cuisi...
Student President Miyuki Shirogane comes from an average school and was elected for his current role as a prodigy who excelled through tests. Vice-president Kaguya Shinomiya on the other hand comes from a wealthy family much like the rest of the students who attend Shuchiin Acade...
Moe Nishinosono is infactuated with her professor Sohei Saikawa. One day she goes visit Shiki Mugata, a prodigy who gained her doctorate at the age of 11 but found to be guilty of murdering her parents one day. Yet, Mugata claims she didn't. She also happens to be held in high re...