Mega Tokyo 2032. "Boomer", android robots named due to the boom they brought about in reviving the city after the Great Kanto Earthquake. Now many are going rogue across the city, causing chaos and destruction. As the AD Police struggle with the outbreaks four girls; Sylia Stingr...
Shogo Yahagi is out having fun with his biker friends when he is shown a brand new motorbike he's never seen before. Unfortunately for him it turns out to be classified weapon and a secret organisation was willing put in a great deal of effort to retrieve it from him. As he delve...
17 year old David Martinez and his single mother is doing their best to get out of poverty in Night City. However, after getting caught up in an shooting incident, David's life turns from bad to worse. Fed up with his bleak situation he comes across a military grade "Sandevistan...
Everyday Girl is honest to a fault and wouldn't even use money that she picked up, even if she had the means to pay it back afterwards. The owner didn't want it back either claiming, "dropped money was bad luck." Unfortunately this becomes the case for Everyday Girl as she is arr...