Lewis Smith who aspires to a be a mecha suit piloting hero from the American Marines and Ao Isami of the Japanese SDF are participating in a joint military exercise using Titanostriders (TS) mechanical suits deployed around the world in a test run. Suddenly the world finds themselves under attack by entities known as Deathdrives...
Rash but skilled and street-wise Ash "Lynx" was picked up off the streets by Mafia Lord Dino Golzine, treated as a "pet" and was the now the leader of many street gangs around New York, Manhattan. Ever since his older brother Griffin was mentally destroyed by a powerful drug, he had been trying to track down the ones responsible. Not...
26 year old Narumi Momose seems like your average optimistic cheery girl but she has a secret. She doesn't want anyone to find out she's an Otaku (geek) because guys always dump her when they find out she's also a "Fujoshi [rotting girl, word play that refers to women/girls]" - a girl who is into "Boys Love (explicitly illustrated...