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Anime Reviews

Shy (2023, Eight Bit)


Worth A Watch



Super heroes have started appearing around the world, using their powers to bring peace to the world. 14 year old Teru Momijiyama in Japan just started taking on the role but doesn't like attention just like her hero alias "Shy" suggests ("Teru" can also mean shy in Japanese) yet she decides to do the same for her country. Soon she learns an entity known as "Stigma" is making use of such dark emotions that brings chaos to Earth and is the true reason why super heroes have suddenly appeared.

Caught a bit of this when it premiered then later at the Tamashii exhibit too but still wasn't really interested until someone else mentioned that it was good on TwitterX. Thought it was just another one of those mindless fan service shows but it's not. It's not one of those deliberately cheezy super hero shows either where the heroes just deliver lines  in a sarcastic tone and act like what you'd expect from heroes in costume.

All the characters are really goofy making it an action comedy. That said, it's your familiar trope of personalities like your drunken big sis character, the heroine of Russia in this case. In fact, they're all stereotyped based on what you'd usually see on screen such as China does martial arts.

It's kind of your usual be at peace with your negative emotions, never give up, that sort of familiar Anime direction. For the most part it's cheery and colourful watching the pure hearted Teru determined to make good use of her powers... Until the nemesis appears. Then it's all doom and gloom, fighting with the negative emotions that haunts the victim. It has the odd wholesome moments.

It's actually really chatty despite being a superhero show and being serialised in a young men's comic magazine. Hardly any fighting so don't expect a show filled with flashy moves yelling out skill names. No magical girl transformations either.

Art isn't really anything spectacular. Background art by Team Tilldawn in this particular title isn't the kind that would make you visit the places like some other shows anyway. No fan service if you don't count the costumes. It does have a unique illustration each episode though, also a bonus short Manga slideshow after the theme song. There's a few different ending songs but all are character image songs so not that great a listen. And cute shows can't be without mascots and they're all talking shrimps in this case.

Cute superhero show. Just don't expect a lot of action or fan service despite the body hugging costumes.

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