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Kokkoku: Moment by Moment (2018, Geno Studio)

Anime Reviews

Kokkoku: Moment by Moment (2018, Geno Studio)


Worth A Watch


Juri has had a tiring day going through a whole line-up of job interviews and decides to let her NEET brother Tsubasa go fetch their nephew for a change. Never did she expect they'd end up being kidnapped. When they receive a call to pay a ransom, her grandfather reveals they have a mysterious stone that allows them to freeze time; putting everything into a form of "Stasis" while only they could move.

Thinking they had the upperhand, they suddenly find themselves attacked by assailants from a cult who were immune to the stone's effects and wanted it for themselves to run the world by their own rules. As Juri and her family try to survive and rescue their own relatives, they start to learn more about the Stasis world such as the giants known as "Handlers" that protect those frozen the "Stalled" there.

When I first watched this I thought it had a vibe similar to Gantz. It ran at a steady serious pace with short bursts of drama while maintaining a dark mysterious atmosphere just like when the participants of Gantz was trying to figure out the game or the black ball. It also has about the same amount of gore. Funnily enough the director Yoshimitsu Ouhashi did the storyboarding for that show.

The mystery kind of kept me watching and I think the characters are likeable because despite having powers they each have their own vulnerabilities that make them human. How the situation progresses makes it quite a compelling show to watch in this short series.

On another note, the OP theme song is horrible IMO but the ED "Asayake to Nettaigyo [Sunrise and Tropical Fish]" is pretty good.


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