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Magna Carta Sequel on Xbox360

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Magna Carta Sequel on Xbox360


Looks like Softmax's Korean PS2 RPG "Magna Carta" will be getting a sequel on the Xbox 360 sometime this year and the Japanese might get their hands on it first. One more "next gen" title for Microsoft's console and the PS3 remains in the dust with a tiny library.

I've still to finish the first game "Tears of Blood" yet on the PSP. Probably because I was working for a site as one of two game reviewers at the time and had so many samples I had to get through and review at the time. Then again, there was just something about the game that wasn't very compelling. Maybe it was the plain battle system and very generic dialogue.

Magna Carta II

Don't really like Kim Hyung Tae's character designs. The females look a bit too masculine and the poses look very unnatural. The in-game character models look worse in this sequel... But if you like his art, check out the official Japanese site for some wallpapers.

Queen Zephie

So for those of you interested, the story this time is based around your typical hero with amnesia in the land of Rantlzheim, Juto who ends up spending peaceful days living together with Melissa, captain of the local defence team. However, when the northern army invades, those days are at an end and Jute makes the decision he will join Queen Luzephilda (voiced by Aya Hirano) in the south to fight.


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Oh yay! I'd heard about this game being in development some years back, but figured it had been canned due to the lack of updates. I adore HTK's art...I like that he brings a bit of surreality to the anime style.



Xcomp 作者

I've been meaning to watch that but haven't got round to it. I tried the game on the PS2 but got bored fairly quickly because it felt kind of average. TT's artwork is very good though.

Thanks for the recommendations. I'll have a look out for them when I drop by the book stores :D




Have you heard of the anime Shining Tears Cross Wind?
It had character designs by Taka Tony that seemed extremely reminiscent of Magna Carta: Tears of Blood.
Pretty bad storyline too, but beautiful artwork, that is if you're looking for more eye catching artwork =)!

If you are interested in eye catching artwork in Graphic Novel forms, I'd recommend the ROBOT and APPLE series.

APPLE is korean manhwa, whereas ROBOT was originally published in Japanese. Both are currently available in North America in English, not sure if Europe has it though =(! But So nice! Makes me feel squishy and happy to see so many different styles in full colour *_*!



Xcomp 作者

Oh, I remember that. Never did get round to trying it, though.

I was reviewing games for a site at the time and "Tears of Blood" happened to be one of the games that needed a review at the time. Ended up playing on with it later because there was nothing else eye catching.




Actually, this the third game in the series of 3. The first one was for PC but wasn't exactly released outside of Korea due to some copies having bugs on one of the discs of the game. My friend showed me the artbooks that came with it at the time.

I quite like Hyung Tae Kim's style to be honest. I like the fact he isn't afraid to experiment with our conventions of feminine and masculine.

Despite this being called Magna Carta II, Tears of Blood was technically Magna Carta II: Crimson Stigmata in Korea.. I didn't like the storyline too much either. The English Dub song made me cringe. The artwork made up for bad story though.

If artwork doesn't make up for cliche'd storyline, I don't understand why you bother playing ._.
