LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

The Recent Efficiency of the Mail Service


The Recent Efficiency of the Mail Service


I notice that all of my First Class packages arrive the next day after I receive a dispatched email now instead of two or three days later. I wonder if it has anything to do with the economic climate that's going on? Less people spending money less mail to get delivered or, are people working harder to keep their jobs?

Other than that, not much games and Anime blogging from me lately. Been busy sorting out some other real life stuff.

Until the next post, have a good Easter break!

1st class post.


もしご連絡しても宜しければメールアドレスもご入力下さい。迷惑会社- いや… 第三者等に提供することもしないのでご安心を。


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Quick follow up, in the interests of justice: to my knowledge such things don't happen very often. But one does hear and read things and that tends to make one paranoid about this sort of thing - especially if costly imported DVDs are involved.




I can't even remember the last time I used our official mail service. I receive unwanted letterbox stuffers through them all the time, naturally, but I don't remember sending anything for years.

In my corner of the globe, unless you're prepared to risk having your parcels rifled through and any saleable contents pilfered, anything of value goes through a priority courier service or registered post. (Not that I'd like to tar all of our postal service workers with the same brush - but it does happen.)




Not really for me. It's Australia, so it's always pretty slow. Easter break = five days without parcels (four days of holiday+weekend + one extra day cuz the post man is hung over). Then again I might be one of those guys who cut down the number of packages they are taking delivery of. :P
