LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

A New Set of P3 Character Drama CDs from Frontier Works

遊戲商品 Persona 3

A New Set of P3 Character Drama CDs from Frontier Works


It appears Frontier Works is preparing to release a new set of P3 drama CDs starting next month. The very first volume "Character Drama CD Persona 3 Vol. 1" (working name) is due February 27th with a price tag of 2625 Yen (US$24).

I can't seem to find anything about what the contents will be but, it should once again contain parody stories. First press editions of the CD will also have a bonus voice actors commentary track, just like the Moonlight and Daylight CDs.

Not sure if I'll be picking this up yet. Will probably depend on how many volumes there will be in total.


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