LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Dungeons & Dragons Parody?


Dungeons & Dragons Parody?


Just came across this pretty fun video and thought I'd post it. The animation and voice acting's fairly well done. I think they're playing those old Dungeons & Dragons books where you read through a book, make decisions and flip to a certain page. You also fought monsters by rolling a dice and keeping track of the health points on paper. Those were pretty fun when video games were limited to a small number of people and early systems such as Nintendo's Gameboy (still have it and working too!) and Sega's Master System were around.


I played a lot of Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson's books from the local library when I wasn't one of the lucky few to have a console. Think they're still there =P

Anyway, here's the link to the video: YouTube


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