LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

expansion pack

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna The Golden Country Review

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 got a prequel in the form of a DLC named Torna - The Golden Country that people could play a week early before the physical version if they already had the Season Pass. I didn't get the pass because I wasn't really interested in the minor extras which were...

Dragon Age Origin擴展包三月十六日出

Dragon Age Origin只出了兩個月多久就己經宣佈三月十六日出擴展包。好像今次的故事會在第二個地方發生但有一個原作各色會回來… 希望是她!如不是希望有其他各色可繼續有趣的對白! 很想快一些玩!...