LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

evangelion 2.0


Went ahead and ordered a few official Uniqlo Evangelion 2.0 t-shirts from London's Uniqlo store which offers a one off, flat rate postage and packaging fee so if you're ordering, it's best if you ordered more than one item. Although most online stores offer free postage, Uniqlo doesn't but arrived the next day after dispatch. I was...


Both the DVD and Blu-ray release of Evangelion 2.22 is finally out and since both copies come with the collector's film strip this time, I decided to go for the higher quality Blu-ray version. The packaging is fairly much the same as the 1.01 limited edition - A sturdy cardboard box except I think it's orange for the Blu-ray versions....

Evangelion You Can (Not) Advance Complete Records Collection Book

Gainax is due to release two A4 sized books containing a total of 650 pages this summer entitled, "Evangelion You Can (Not) Advance Complete Records Collection" which will feature the following... There will be a case for the two books. First press copies will get two additional art board booklets, a film strip and early preorders...


作晚去了看「新世紀福音戰士:破」。394座都滿了! 是第一次到這裏。外面好細但內面的室內設計幾漂亮。 新的各色Mari有些似Asuka… 她沒有出場多久所以好像爲了改Asuka的故事才加入去。 使徒和東京03的新畫面仍然是漂亮,但音樂方面有些怪。希望2.22的DVD和Blu-ray版會收正好一些。...


根據Amazon JP 「新世紀福音戰士:破」的DVD和Blu-ray日版會同日在5月26日發賣。好消息是今次兩套都會有初回特典,而今次的特典好像上 次一樣有Film Cut. 像上次的報告一樣2.22版 會有重新調整的片段。但1.11只有多3分鐘的新片段所以我看不要太期待。 如想買可到Play-Asia予訂。...


終於知道下一部「新世紀福音戰士:破」的DVD日版大約幾時出。 根據「大家的Eva迷」,副導演鶴巻和哉在2010年一月Cut雜誌的訪問中透露可能會在來年的春節發賣,還有新的片段。 不知到出齊四部映片後有沒有限量版Boxset… 好想快一些看到!...

Evangelion Rebuild 2.0 Sneaky Cam Edition

Well, this didn't take as long as the last movie to get camcorded... Kind of tempted to watch the whole thing since the DVD release probably won't be available until next year if the first movie is any indication but, that would just lower my anticipation of getting my hands on the actual package so I will refrain ^^; I did have a skim...

Evangelion Rebuild 2.0 Movie Premieres

Today was the day the Japanese finally get to see the second title in the Evangelion Rebuild series of movies subtitled, "You Can (Not) Advance" and Famitsu dropped by Shinjuku, Kabuki District to cover the première. There were over 1000 people queuing outside by half 6 in the morning where some of the SEELE "Sound Only" monoliths...