LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

evangelion 2.22

エヴァがリオン破2.22 Blu-ray

Both the DVD and Blu-ray release of Evangelion 2.22 is finally out and since both copies come with the collector's film strip this time, I decided to go for the higher quality Blu-ray version. The packaging is fairly much the same as the 1.01 limited edition - A sturdy cardboard box except I think it's orange for the Blu-ray versions....

Yahooの無料エヴァ2.22 iPhoneアプリ登場

エヴァ破のマーケティングがすごいですね。バーガー、コンビニそして今は無料のiPhone App! 僕がiPhone持ってるといいかもしれません。でも、こんなマーケティングが必要だろうか?この前の限定DVDがあまりマーケティングなくても完売ではないですか? そしてYahoo自分の限定カバーも入手こともできるか… いいな、日本にいれば~ 将来のAppも集めれば好みのキャラの全身見えるようになると書いてあるけど、これはあのマウスパッド思い出せますね(^^;...


In "commemoration" of the upcoming Evangelion 2.22 DVD/Bluray release that will both feature a collector's film strip and an extra 3 minutes of footage, fast food store Lotteria is doing a special meal. From April 22nd this week, those in Japan will be able to purchase the "Eva BurChicki Box" (the Japanese like to shorten words) for...