Capcom starts taking pre-orders for their Gyakuten Saiban 4 calendar today and of course, it features characters from none other than the game that comes out on April 12th. Set to go on sale March 12th for 1260 Yen (US$10), this special calendar contains a total of 4 pages with a bonus page added in. With each page covering 3 months of the...
To celebrate the release of Sim City DS today, a commemoration event was held in Tokyo yesterday where 14 students from Wada Junior High were invited along. During the event the students were paired up with tutors for a 15 minute lesson to the game and were also challenged to use the time to increase the population of their cities as high...
Yes, today was the big day the second Monster Hunter game for the PSP got released. And to mark its release, PSPs with FW v3.10 and above can visit a "Playstation Spot" to download a bonus hunting quest which takes place in the arena. And just check out the crowds queuing up for the game! Over 100 people in queues before the shops were open...
Yes, Nintendo just updated their games list today with new titles and one of them is "Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Tamashii! Osu Tatakae Ouendan 2!" Title translates to "Lets Burn, Hot Blooded Rhythm Spirits! Come on! Fight! Cheer Leaders 2!" Looking forward to some more catchy songs and wacky Manga graphics! Then again it might just end up...
Yes, just spent the weekend writing up this guide for the Death Note game that just got released on Thursday. It's not a bad game but I wouldn't say it's great. Good originality from Konami, though. Enjoy playing as L and Kira! Version 1.00
February 2007 Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 History
3.0 Characters
4.0 Menus
5.0 The Kira...
Digimon Story 2's release date has been postponed from March 1st to the 31st. Players can expect exclusive Digimon to be found in each of the two versions Sunburst and Moonlight so trading can be done via the DS' wireless feature. There has also been an increase of more than 150 new Digimon in total over the previous game. Screenshots can...
Not long after Hino's announcement that the second Leyton title is already underway, Famitsu already has a whole bundle of screenshots and new info about the game. Our heroes' adventure takes place on the Molentory Express this time where there a many beautifully made rooms but with something suspicious about them. A change from the...
Otherwise known as "Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth" in the US, you can read reviews of this SRPG released for the PSX back in 2002 on sites such as IGN and Gamespot. New in this DS remake are character designs and stylus control although you can still opt for the traditional buttons scheme. The remake by ASNetworks (game was originally...
Akane Houdzuki (Ema Skye) the 16 year old forensics scientist who appeared in the bonus case of the Gyakuten Saiban DS remake is back, all grown up at the age of 25! But wait, does that add up considering GS4 takes place 7 years after GS3...? Anyway, she continues to wear her trademark pink glasses and this time, she's here to help Odoroki...
All RPG players will know about the powers of mana by now and once again it takes its place in the story of another game but this time, it's an RTS from Interchannel. The kingdom of Kingdom threatens the life of the forest as they bring in machines to develop the area, clearing away vast amounts of trees. Now it's up to you, a Dorian fairy, to...