This children's version of Talkman "Talkman-shiki Shabe Lingo English Conversations for Kids" allows children to answer questions directly with their voice. There's also a board game with 3 levels of questions and a set of mini games to enjoy. Look out for it on June 28th. If you don't have a microphone from a previous Talkman title...
"Shogi ga Tsuyoku naru: Gekisashi Shouseki Dojo" features the "Gekiji" AI for you to play against as well as 457 setups to solve and fundamental strategies taken from 100 Shogi books. Learn more about the Asian chess game Shogi on August 9th....
If you're not already familiar with SE's Itadaki Street series then you can head on over to the site to find out more about how the game plays like. Just over two weeks before the game's out and after playing the PSP game I can tell you the AI's hard to beat! Wonder if the DS version will be the same......
Originally set for June 21st, this DS title aimed at giving girls various lifestyle tips is now delayed until July 26th so that the developers can further enhance the contents....
Due for release on July 5th, SNK's "Dokidoki Majo Shinban!" witch hunting game will come with a screen cleaner. Only available while stocks last so better order early if you're interested.
Three of the suspects have also been named. From left to right we have handheld gaming loving little girl Renge Koda (30% possibility...
Another two months before SE's "Subarashiki Kono Sekai" comes out on July 27th. Plenty of time to save up for this "Wonderful World Edition" Gloss Silver DS Lite! Pre-order and you could get the Nyan-tan screen cleaner which features the doll that Shiki loves....
I was going to make this post earlier but there was some server downtime. Well anyway, what sounded like an easy event quest this time round wasn't quite so easy. Crammed into a tiny arena we were surrounded by lots of those Chachabuus and their attack power can be very lethal, especially for gunners. What I didn't know was that if you exit...
Just spent around 3 hours today translating the FFIV DS Famitsu interview then another few hours re-reading and editing it, ending with a total of around 2500 words. It sounds like the team is putting a lot more effort into it than their FFIII remake and it's most likely because of all the story telling. I think it's going to be very well...
Nippon Ichi's "Dragoneers Aria: Ryuu ga Neru made" pretty much works the same way as your typical RPG with random battles and turn based commands. With the AOT (Action Order Turn) System, you must give every one of your party members a command before the actions are carried out, in the order that they are given. Characters will have Mana...
"Metallic Rose" and "Gloss Silver" will be available from June 23rd next month. Yay, more colour choice for people who don't have one yet!...