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Shadow of Memories Getting a PSP Port

ブログ Gaming News

Shadow of Memories Getting a PSP Port


The PSP ports don't stop coming... Shadow of Memories, yet another a former PS2 game, is going to get a PSP port on October 1st. It appears there will be no new content and the adventure game will just be the same as that released back in 2001.

I still have the PC port in English as you can see. Wanted to play some Japanese games at the time but couldn't afford a console. This seemed interesting enough because it was set in the medieval past, dealt with time travel and had multiple endings. There's no Japanese/English voice option though I think.

Shadow of Memories (PC Version)

Quoting the story from the booklet...

Eike loses his life at the hands of an unknown assailant. Eike recovers consciousness in a strange Darkness. Here, guided by the mysterious Homunculus, he obtains a time travel device - the Digipad - that will allow him to change the course of his tragic destiny.

Activating the device, Eike finds himself in a familiar coffee shop 30 minutes prior to his untimely demise. With only half an hour remaining before the ill-fated moment, Eike has to find a way to prevent his death.

Travelling between past and present, using trial and error, Eike must change his fate. Will Eike be able to alter the course of time and change his destiny?

Check out the hardware requirements from that time. My first PC just met the requirements ^^;


Wish they would port more Japanese console RPGs over like they did with Last Remnant but it doesn't look like that will happen any time soon.


もしご連絡しても宜しければメールアドレスもご入力下さい。迷惑会社- いや… 第三者等に提供することもしないのでご安心を。


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PSP ports are either really really good (like silent hill) or can really suck (final fantasy 1 and 2)



Maku tama

hmm...the same??!! how lazy is Konami?? ;A;
they should at least maybe improve the cut scenes or something...I know they can do better >>
