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Falcom's Latest ARPG, Ys VII For PSP This September

Gaming News PSP Related

Falcom's Latest ARPG, Ys VII For PSP This September


Falcom has announced that the next title in their Ys series will not be developed for the PC but the PSP instead! Due sometime this September, Ys VII takes place in the Dukedom of Altago and will feature a new three member party battle system allowing you to select two other characters to support you.

I hope this doesn't ruin the insanely fast paced boss fights but judging from what I can make out from the screenshots, it looks like you still fight solo as Adol only now you can use your party's support skills too.


arpg falcom ys ys7


もしご連絡しても宜しければメールアドレスもご入力下さい。迷惑会社- いや… 第三者等に提供することもしないのでご安心を。


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