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How About An Ita-PSP for a Change?

Gaming News

How About An Ita-PSP for a Change?


So, there's so many limited edition PSPs being released with new games but, do you actually like the designs? If not, maybe these designs will be to your liking.

There are already Itashas in Japan (i.e. cars decorated with fictional characters usually Anime girls) so why not "ItaPSPs"? According to Akibablog (NSFW), three are on display at a SofMap store and a video on Nicovideo has already gathered quite some interest with over 220,000 views.

Apparently it only takes 10 - 15 minutes to make the stickers and apply them. Maybe we'll see ItaDSes soon too... Now why aren't PCs decorated the same way called ItaPasokons when they were released?

Painfully PSPs.

akiba itapsp itasha


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Xcomp 作者

There's were changes made to the theme...?Never really noticed besides the addition of the Playstation Store.




Same here. But since I'm a finicky person when it comes to designs, I might change them often. That would be a problem, lol.

Probably a design from Gundam OO or Seinarukana, with a customized startup screen. I think the ver.5 and above customized firmware have nice theme changes too.




Thats pretty snazzy. I would love to decorate my PSP with some anime!
