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Wii Region Free without Freeloader Disc

Wii Related

Wii Region Free without Freeloader Disc


So it's now possible to play games from other regions thanks to Datel's Freeloader (available from both Code Junkies and Play-Asia) but, there have been reports that a recent mini update from Nintendo has blocked it.

The tools to get your Wii region-free.

Well, here's another option now using the ELF exploit that was found in the Zelda Twilight Princess game and can be run off a normal SD card apparently. However, the problem with "Gecko Region Free" is its current low compatibility but the author "Nuke" is continuing to work on updates.

I haven't tried either solutions myself because there aren't really that many releases I'm in a rush to play although I can confirm the Freeloader works great. A friend of mine had bought it and is now playing the US version of Smash Brothers on his Wii. Just prepare yourself for the brief few seconds of the screen being warped and the buzzing sound. So if you really want to play those titles that won't make it out of Japan such as Clean Keeper then, here's a solution for you.

I guess the next step in the scene now is to be able to load ISOs (virtual copies of CDs/DVDs).


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Xcomp 作者

North America, Europe and Japan.

You'll have to check what it says on the front of the game you buy in Portugal say. If it's labelled "PAL" then you can play them on a Wii console bought from the UK. If it says "NTSC" then you won't be able to play them without hacking the console.




Hi. Can you tell me what are the regions? Is it, America, Europe and Asia? Or by country?? I wanna buy a Wii on amazon UK, but I'm in Portugal. Can i play games bought in portugal with that console from uk (without hacks)?? Thanks. Answer please.



Xcomp 作者

Really? I read on some forums a mini update for 3.2E ended up blocking the disc so I was just writing what's been reported.




.. the wii free region loader is working perfectly fine, it has even worked with japanese imported version of mario kart wii
So if ya want to play import games, Wii Freeregion is still the way to go



Xcomp 作者

I can't give you the details but yes, you're supposed to put it onto an SD card. After loading up Zelda and then the exploited save file, the Wii should load the region free program and you can then insert the game you want.

It's more complex than the Freeloader so if you really want to play games from other countries, I suggest getting that if you haven't updated the Wii since mid-March.




i dnt get this, u put the program inside the SD?
