LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Merry Christmas and happy holidays people!

No White Christmas over here so anyone that betted it would snow at the bookmakers are going to be at a bit of a loss. It's sunny outside but the white frost on the roofs and grass does help with the mood of the festivities a little. And Wordpress has also created a little falling snow feature that their blog users can enable under Presentation, Extras. I'm going to leave it on until it expires.

I was up until after five last night, listening to BBC Radio Scotland's "Christmas Nightshift" show on 104.7 FM, which was broadcasting a debate about the history and origin of Christmas that took place back in 1977. They were talking about how the birth of Christ should be on the 21st according to historical records but these days, we go by the standard date the Catholic Church has set.

The show also had people talking about their experience of Christmas, how they dealt with certain situations such as too much food, what they thought about gifts, what and how they should be given and what the annual event meant to them. There was plenty of interesting and funny stuff there!

Another feature was having someone talking about Christmas in their part of the world. Last night the spotlight was on Holland where it's known as "St. Nicholas' Day" on December 6th. I can't remember the exact words but a woman was talking about how people wrote poems about each other, which was a nice way of getting "revenge" according to her because you could end up talking about matters they don't want you to. Or as we put it, take the "mickey".

There was also some talk about how the males got gingerbread figures of females and vice-versa as gifts so that was something new to me. Cranberries are eaten as vegetables over there?

Late tonight the show will be on again focusing on Christmas in Ukraine but I'm not sure I'll be up again to listen to it.

Anyway now that I'm up, lets see what they have lined up on TV. Lets see, Polar Express, Finding Nemo and Shrek 2... Pixar's stuff are mostly good but Dreamwork's first Shrek had me falling asleep in the cinemas! I used to be really excited about what's on, waking up early in the mornings just to watch the great cartoons and open the presents under the tree. Now that I'm in uni, the circumstances are different of course. Who needs TV when the internet is your media library now!

I'm more excited for when Christmas is over actually because I can finally get my hands on the 5cm novel after waiting a whole month for nothing. YesAsia has dispatched it so it now just has to get through the post which is obviously off on a public holiday just now. Then we've got the No More Heroes game for the Wii which comes out in February after the exams.Yay!

Rising Star, the European sub-division of MMV said we will have the bloodless Japanese version but after someone e-mailed them, they also said an 18+ blood version may also be probable. I wonder which is true.

Well, have a good day people!


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