LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Super Paper Mario Replacement Arrives with Oversized Box

雜記 Wii Related

Super Paper Mario Replacement Arrives with Oversized Box


Despite bug-free copies being low in stock, I managed to get my bugged copy of Super Paper Mario replaced after I sent it away a week ago and it arrived in this big box. Makes you think there would be something else packed in there but, it's just one big box with a large piece of bubble wrapping. Not even a note about the bug but, I guess they made an apology on the site already.

So, copy replaced. I can't be bothered playing through the game again to the part where it freezes your Wii to check it though after finding how boring it gets. The next time I buy a game early and it's bugged, I'm just going to send it back to the retailer to get a refund because it's not worthwhile waiting for an official replacement.


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