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Falcom Titles Currently in Development, New Ys and Legend of Heroes


Falcom Titles Currently in Development, New Ys and Legend of Heroes


Falcom Announcement

In the latest Falcom newsletter, the company has revealed the following are currently in development:

  • Ys SEVEN
  • Zwei II
  • Vantage Master
  • Brandish
  • Zwei
  • Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd
  • Legend of Heroes VII.

Note the logos above aren't the actual logos. They are for previous works.

So looking at the list, this should mean there's a few more ports in the works. It says the platforms are unannounced but, I'm sure "Sora no Kiseki the 3rd" will definitely be a PSP port. Zwei, Vantage Master and Brandish are old title names too so these will probably be ports too.

I wouldn't mind actually seeing a new Vantage Master game brought to the DS. VM Japan was a great strategy game! If you're interested, you can try out a free English version of VM via the Falcom site.

Good to see the Ys and Legend Heroes series reaching the magical number "seven" now. Can they pull off something as big as Square-Enix's FFVII? Probably not but when I see those Roman numerals, I think of what S-E's managed to achieve with that RPG.

I wonder what evil forces Adol will be up against this time? Shouldn't matter as long as it ties the levels together nicely and the crazy action, boss battles are still in there!


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