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Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Release Date and Features Revealed

PSP Related

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Release Date and Features Revealed


Capcom has now opened its site for Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, an expanded version of the million seller Monster Hunter Portable 2nd for the PSP. I guess you could call it a remake.

Set for release on March 13th 2008, some of the new content is introduced on the site.

First up are the new monsters. The "Lightning Dragon, Nalgakulga" looks somewhat similar to the Tigarex with a black panther like appearance and characteristics. A stealthy, fast powerful beast with a fearsome tail. First appearance in the MH series.

I think lots of players would agree that none of the monsters in MHP2 were as annoying as the Tigarex but, this should be interesting to hunt!

Apart from this, there will also be stronger versions of the older monsters and ones from previous games too such as this Ancient "Floating Mountain Dragon, Yamatsukami" from Monster Hunter 2.

There's a new area known as the "Dense Forest" where the Nalgakulga will be lurking around and older areas from MHP1 will be back for a bit of nostalgia.

Meanwhile, you'll find there's a new girl in the Guild Hall named "Becky" who will be offering G-Ranked quests where you'll be facing monsters tougher than the Upper Rank, HR6 ones.

New village quests are available too, offered by a cat named "Necoat" will be next to the village chief to offer you them.

Not only that, this time you won't have to embark on them alone because you will be able to bring along your Buddy Felyne (O-tomo Airu) during solo quests who will give you hand in the fights.

And also listed in this week's issue of Famitsu that doesn't appear on the website are the following:

  • Lightning based elemental gunlances.
  • New hunting horns.
  • Paint bottles for ranged weapons.
  • A new level of sharpness for melee weapons.

Pretty excited although I'm not so sure about the Buddy Felyne to be honest. If people start using it as a distraction during hunts then, people's hunting skills during the guild quests might drop.

On another note, it seems more and more Japanese game sites are offering "blog parts" which is, basically a bundle of objects featuring the game that you could add to your own blog. I guess people are starting to realise the marketing power behind blogs too. Too bad Wordpress won't allow Javascript.


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Xcomp 作者

Now it is... When I wrote about it several months ago, it was just rumours ;)




freedom unite IS the english version of this
only 1 month more :)



Xcomp 作者

Rumours have it that Capcom is registering for the title "Monster Hunters Unite" and it could be the English version of this game now but, we'll see...




Yeah, it would be GREAT if they sent it over here to the U.S. It would be most annoying to not have this game, i look forward to playing it in the future.




i think it is kind of retard to make the first game and send it west but to make a new that is even better and not to send it west they can make more money that way




MaKsuD gw misi faTaLis!!! --a"




eh, klo misi pak senjt apa ya???? PaKe Gs / KataNa is ga???
N paK amor pa??? Kirin seset yg + bukan?



Xcomp 作者

I don't know... I think it's possible they might not bring it West because Monster Hunter G PS2 which was also like an "expansion pack" was never released outside of Japan. It's just a guess though.




will it be released in english!?




wow. just wow. I'm so excited for this, I can't even breathe. thanks for the info








Yeah, it happens. Sometimes the Imageshack servers are down or just busy so you should be able to see them again later. Once my new host is ready I'll have all images on my own space and these problems should occur less.




the pic arn't showing other thenthat i want that game now!
