LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

UCC Evangelion Canned Coffee goes on Sale Once Again with New Character Designs

日本動畫 節日

UCC Evangelion Canned Coffee goes on Sale Once Again with New Character Designs


UCC's canned milk coffee featuring character designs from the Evangelion movies returns to vending machines and retailers today, complete with brand new artwork from the upcoming first new movie. It's been 10 years since their drinks last featured Evangelion characters back in 1997 which sold more than 12 million cans. If you pay attention to the show, you'll actually see these cans in the Anime itself too.

There are 6 designs available for collecting. The first set of new designs available now feature Rei Ayanami, Ritsuko Akagi and Gendou Ikari. From July 16th onwards there will be Asuka Langley, Misato, Kaji and from August 13th there will be Shinji and Kaworu.

From June 18th until August 17th, Evangelion fans will also be able to participate in a draw by entering a promotional code on the cans for some original goods.

For those of you who don't know, there's going to be four new Evangelion movies on show and they're not going to be remakes. Little details are known at the moment but expect more details soon sometime this summer. The first movie is due in cinemas September 1st complete with limited edition tickets.

Check out the campaign site for some downloadable wallpaper featuring the UCC coffee designs. Can't wait to see what these "non-remakes" are going to be like!

And damn, I miss all the various drinks available at vending machines in HK...

  • Akibablog.net


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