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Falcom Announces “Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki The 3rd”


Falcom Announces “Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki The 3rd”


Aha! So I was right that they were hinting about another Legend of Heroes game with the calendar they gave away! Falcom just announced the third title in the "Sora no Kiseki" series today!

What I don't see is why it's called "The Third" when they've released a "Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki Complete Edition". How can that package be "complete" now that there's going to be a third game? Well, I guess it was complete at the time but that's just illogical.

Anyway, I'm guessing this will be focused on Kevin except he will probably bump into the original protagonists of the series, Estelle and Joshua again during his adventures.

Date is set for June 28th but no details about the story or gameplay has been released yet.


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