LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Falcom Live 2007 Concert, Special Site Now Up


Falcom Live 2007 Concert, Special Site Now Up


At the concert that's to be held on March 24th next year (in Japan, of course!), Falcom fans will be able to listen to live versions of songs such as...

To Make the End of Battle (Ys)
Hoshi no Arika [Where the Star is] (ED6:FC)
Gin no Ishi, Kin no Tsubasa [Silver Will, Golden Wings] (ED6:SC)

And also tunes from the latest "Ys Origin". All very good songs (and tunes)!

Not that I can go or anything but still good to know what's happening with Falcom _|?|?

You can download a clip of the last event "Falcom Live 2006 - Into the Sky" here.



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