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General Knowledge Training for Adults

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General Knowledge Training for Adults


?? ????????? ??????????? ???????????? (Kanshuu Nihon Joushikiryoku Kentei Kyoukai: Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai, Otona no Joushiki Training) is a title that consists of approximiately 1800 questions aimed at increasing your general knowledge or improving your common sense. The questions are ones that you'll probably be too embarassed to ask and learn about if you're a grown up who is expected to know these things already.

When you first run the software, you are given 10 multiple choice questions and from them, it can tell you what your strengths and weaknesses are using a hexagon graph. In the screenshot above, you can see the 5 categories (starting from the top and going clockwise; courtesy, wisdom, society, decision making and refinement.

"When 4 people are getting a taxi, which seat should you guide your most important guest to?"
"In summer, what shape of cloud do you see lightning the most from?"

There are also season and cooking related questions.

You can pass on any questions you don't understand and they will be explained to you.


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