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Ryuusei no Rockman, 3 Versions and a New System

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Ryuusei no Rockman, 3 Versions and a New System

While previous Rockman EXE games had only 2 versions on sale, 3 versions of Ryuusei no Rockman is now planned for release on the same day. No details are given in the magazine yet but in the screenshot to the lower-right, there's a hint it has something to do with satellites.

The new Rockman game will feature the new "Transfer" System which works similarly to the previously used PET system. By accessing the Transfer gadget on their wrists, characters will be able to visit their own personal home page allowing players to edit personal profiles, arrange Battle Cards, organise items, access mail and other functions. Also, by signing a Brother Pact with another character, players can obtain various Power Up Data for themselves.

There are 3 steps you must go through before a Brother Pact is formed:

1. Battle with the character you wish to sign a Brother Pact with.
2. After the battle, both sides must send an application to the Brother System.
3. A secret (password?) is then traded between the two people.

The 3 kinds of Power Up Data you can obtain from agreeing to a Brother Pact are:

This allows you to make use of "Brother Force". A card is randomly selected from the 6 Battle Cards that your Brother is currently using. There is a limit of making maximum of 6 Brother Pacts only so you'll have to be careful who you choose.

Best Combo
Details are unknown but, it may just work like "Favourite" where you will execute a combo using one of your Brother's Battle Cards.

Link Ability
As the name suggests, this allows you to link up with your Brothers to boost your stats such as HP and attack power. The higher level your Brothers, the bigger the boost you'll gain.

Will all this work with Wi-Fi too? Who knows.

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