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Ryuusei no Rockman, A New Story

Old Blog DS News

Ryuusei no Rockman, A New Story

The story of ???????? this time is based on a primary school boy named Subaru Hoshikawa. One day his father disappears and wearing his "Visualizer" glasses, he meets the alien named Warrock. Merging with the alien, Subaru and Warrock fights together with "Denpa Virus" (Wave Virus).


Subaru was now a 5th year elementary student but, it's been 3 years since his father disappeared and since then, he has never been to school due to the shock.

One day, he the comes across the class president Luna Shirakane, Gontai Ushijima and Kizamaro Saikoin in town. The class president tried to persuade Subaru back to school but, he left them saying "...Sorry but, please don't concern yourselves over me..."

Leaving his classmates behind, Subaru headed for a viewing platform and thought, "Maybe if I put these on, I can find dad..." Putting on the Visualizer that his dad used to use, Subaru suddenly found himself in the "World of Waves"! A sudden burst of light hit him directly and he loses consciousness. After waking up again, there before him stood an alien named "Warrock". Due to be soaked the special "FM Wave" that hit Subaru, the power of the Visualizers was awakened.and now, Subaru could see the alien.

Warrock instroduced himself as an "FM Alien" from the Planet FM and knew Subaru's father. Just as Subaru was about to ask more about his father, they are attacked by the "Wave Virus" from same Planet FM! Wanting to know more about his father, Subaru had no choice but to listen to Warrock and merged with him, turning Subaru into a wave and making them both confront the deadly Wave Virus. As Subaru merged with Warrock's mind, he felt a change in himself...

Will Subaru ever be able to return to his original self and why is this Wave Virus after Warrock...?

"Wave Battles" take place on a 3 x 5 grid on the top screen while players select attacks and other moves via cards on the touch screen.


The game is scheduled for a winter release and will have Wi-Fi support.

Source: Famitsu

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No specific date yet but it's estimated around winter this year.




When does it come to the U.S.?




The Japanese game has it as "War Rock" but in the English press release, it's "Warlock".




yea its war rock cuz my friend has the game and yeah its not warlock.




Maybe... =P I've seen much worst than that with JP Engrish.




Yeah, Subaru met the Mighty and Powerful Warlock of the wave world. lol




Well yeah, I was thinking about that since there's "Oxfire". But you never know since this is the Japanese we're talking about... Anyway, I've changed it.



Jared Sol

I believe it's War Rock, not warlock. But meh, you're the translator.
