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Nintendo Browser Q & A

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Nintendo Browser Q & A


A little more info about the NDS Nintendo Browser that gets released next month on July 24th.

Browser Engine: Opera 8.5

Supported Formats:
HTML, XHTML, XML, DOM, EXMA Script, CSS, SSL 2.0/3.0, TLS 1.0

Non-Supported Formats:
Flash, Movie Files, Sound Files, PDF Files, other formats that require additional plugins.

Click "Read More" to view a translation of the Q & A section from the JP Nintendo site.

  1. Can I use the browser via my school, company or other similar place's wireless access point?

    It will depend on the environment. Please inquire with the wireless network's administrator.

  2. There's site's that won't display.

    Sites that make use of Flash, PDF files or other similar media will not display completely. There will also be cases where sites that contain large amounts of graphical data won't display.

  3. Movies and sound won't play.

    The browser does not support sound or movies.

  4. A site seems to load very slowly.

    Due to the product's technical specifications, there will be cases where sites that contain large amounts of graphical data, will not display smooothly. If you turn off images via the browser's settings, sites will display faster.

  5. Can I use e-mail?

    Most e-mail service sites are useable. However, there will be some sites that won't work with the browser.

  6. Will I be able to post on sites such as message boards and blogs?

    Yes, you can. However, there will be some sites that won't work with the browser.

  7. Will I be able to make use of internet shopping or auction services?

    It's possible. However, there will be some sites that won't work with the browser.

  8. Will I be able to save files such as images and websites?

    You will be able to bookmark websites but, files can not be saved. All files will be cleared once you turn off your NDS.

  9. Will I be able to set limits on children who use the browser?

    You may set a password so that the browser won't startup without it. There is also an optional service you may subscribe to to block inappropriate content. Check the i-Filter website for more details.

  10. What is the "memory expansion cartridge" that is included?

    The expansion cartridge is a peripheral used to increase the memory capacity on the Nintendo DS series of consoles. When making use of the browser, the DS Card containing the browser software will be inserted via the upper slot and, the expansion cartridge will be be inserted in the GBA slot.

  11. Will I be able to use the browser without the expansion cartridge?

    The expansion cartridge is required for the browser to work.

Related Links: Official Site


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