Thought I'd sleep like a log since couldn't sleep on the plane but only actually managed an hour. Upside was I forgot to set the camera's time so the time lapse wouldn't have happened if I didn't get up to correct it. Cloudy so no sun visible but not bad. Had breakfast around hal...
So today was the day we fly back to UK but, we still had a morning free before heading off to the airport - well, whole afternoon really but didn't want to join the rush hour trains carrying luggage... These were the manned stations you have to go through instead of the regular gates if you want to use your JR Pass. Thing is, not all exits have...
去購物及休息了一日之後我們再次環遊日本的觀光點. 雖然我是日本動遊迷但因小時候看了許多關於日本的文化及旅遊節目我對日本的文化也有興趣. 所以我決定去鄉村看看. 本來想去郡上八幡因為許多人說白川鄉似拍劇的建築多. 裏面只是店舖. 但因列爲世界遺産所以決定去. 而且附近有飛驒, 古川. 有時間可到那裡看看. 一早7點坐第一班往高山的Hida Wide View火車出發. 這火車可用JR Pass但要訂位. 第一班沒綠色頭等位, 多外國遊客, 很吵... 本地日本人一定不喜歡 ^^; 由名古屋火車是2.5小時, 巴士1.5但火車多景看. 白川鄉沒許多巴士出入所...