LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames



最近的新間好像只報全英國和北半球大雪和寒冷的情況。有飛機暫停服務,車兩在高速公路引擎不動,有些人在冰上跣倒,水管爆裂等等。 上斜路真不好玩,要在路上行歩 ^^; 這裏的人好像有些小緊張,擔心因大雪會影響日常用品的運送。油站有排長龍,油價升了一些還政府只剩下許少防止道路結冰的鹽。有些地方可能會用沙灘的沙來替代。 可說今季是「準備不足」但有人一定會提全球氣候變暖的話題。 看來是1981年以來大約三十年來最多雪。上年的雪只有十八年前那麼多。下年會更多嗎?好像1962年的紀錄還未被破。 好,這話題說完了… 你看見相片的天鵝嗎?是否似小小的冰山?^^;...

A Stroll in the New Year's Snow 2009

Looks like the east of UK has been receiving some heavy snow - the heaviest in 18 years. And it's really hampering traffic and other public services. A few schools were closed in my area and of course, children are out sledging, throwing snowballs and building snowmen. It's about 30cm deep, fluffy powdery snow not the kind that falls on...