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Famitsu's Persona 4 Mini Reviews

Persona 4

Famitsu's Persona 4 Mini Reviews


Just a few days left until the much anticipated Persona 4 is released over in Japan. Here is what the four random reviewers in the Famitsu magazine say about it:

Reviewer 1

  • The response of the controls and tempo of the battles are nice and fast.
  • Party members help you in battle if you concentrate on their Social Links.
  • Dungeons are simple but unique.

Reviewer 2

  • No big difference from its predecessor but still has its charm.
  • Lots of improvements such as easier to get around and better event scenes.
  • Trying to solve the mysterious murders inside the TV makes an interesting story.

Reviewer 3

  • Great fun levelling up in battle and through Social Links.
  • Battle tempo makes up for the need of saving up lots of experience points.

Reviewer 4

  • Good screen layout and easy to understand battle system shows high quality.
  • Good battle tempo and dialogue makes it great to play even for long hours.

And the final score was 8 / 9 / 8 / 8 giving it a grand total of 33/40. Not too shabby. It seems like most of the good points are the same as P3 so maybe it's not surprising that it got the same overall score.


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cool P4 and P3 is best point atlus



Xcomp 作者

Yes, lots of excitement in the other forums I see.




It's good if they just took the best points of P3 and improved on those. Which is.. probably what they did this time. Win. :D




Persona 4 has just been announced for a NA release on December 9th.
Atlus Faitful emailed was sent some minutes ago.
