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Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Part of the Final Fantasy XIII Series?

Old Blog PSP News

Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Part of the Final Fantasy XIII Series?


We're only a few days away from the Square-Enix Party 2007 when a whole bunch of titles known and unknown will be shown. Now SE has opened up a teaser site for a PSP title named "Final Fantasy: Dissidia" which will be part of the Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary series.

Rumours had it that this would be another spinoff FFXIII title but the name has no mention of the number "XIII" like the others, does it? Maybe this is the real new FF title that's going to be announced and not the "FFTactics A2" game for DS. I had doubts about that game being the new "unknown" FF title.

So, what do we know about Dissidia? Nothing really apart from the character designs will be by Nomura. SE also classes it under the "Dramatic Progression Action" genre (Japanese love creating their own genre names, don't they?) which I'm guessing means there will be some big storyline involved and perhaps a battle system similar to the upcoming Crisis Core? Well, all will be revealed at the party this weekend.

The only other thing I can think of is how we're going to get another great looking original title for the PSP and not just another remake!


もしご連絡しても宜しければメールアドレスもご入力下さい。迷惑会社- いや… 第三者等に提供することもしないのでご安心を。


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