Unou Tanren Unotan DS, Another Brain Training Title
Full name "Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shichida-shiki no Shunkan Training", the title is aimed at giving the right side of your brain a workout. I doubt I have to tell you what each of these exercises do by now if you've played Brain Age or any other similar title.
This one's a little more "special" because the title's actually based on 3 different brain training books written by Makoto Shichida in November 2005. Makoto is the head of a educational research association.
These titles will have to be aimed at the ones who can't get enough of brain training games because otherwise, I don't see many people buying more of these titles.
Game is due 22nd February 2007 and a PSP version is already out.
- Famitsu
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