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EQ Trainer DS, Give Your Communication Skills a Boost

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EQ Trainer DS, Give Your Communication Skills a Boost


Now here's a new one for you - "EQ Trainer DS: Dekiru Otona no Communication Jutsu", "Communication Skills for Adults".

As the name suggests, this title aims to train your EQ ("Emotional Quotient", AKA "EI") which is a measure of how well you can perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of yourself and others. Pretty social stuff.

The game features 3 modes which is similar to Brain Age in function; one for measuring your EQ, one for improving the four different areas of your EQ and one for keeping track of your progress.

For the test you can choose between 20 or 40 questions and if you want, EQ Trainer can tell you what career you're suitable for. Training part has questions divided up into the four different areas that make up an EQ and one involves you drawing faces of emotion!

EQ Trainer is scheduled for March 2007.


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