LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames

Ys Origin, 700 Years in the Past


Ys Origin, 700 Years in the Past


Well, Falcom's finally announced their new Ys title, "Ys Origin"! Every games series has to have an "origin" title, no?

The release day's set for December 21st and our story takes place 700 years during the demise of the Ancient Ys Kingdom. Adol's not around at this time but that doesn't mean the action packed RPG slows down!

In the Ancient Ys Kingdom, a large number of demons suddenly appear and in order to escape from their invasion, the Goddess and Six Priests make use of the Black Pearl's Power to send the Sarumon Shrine into th sky and keep it afloat there.

Since then, the twin Goddesses Rea and Fina disappear.

Amongst the remaining Six Priests, they made a decision. They choose a mage and sacred knight to help find the missing Goddesses, sending them to the dark surface world.

With their homes about to be destroyed and all hope disappearing with the two missing Goddesses, our young heroes must challenge the Demon Tower.

Our protagonists this time is a talented mage named Yugo Facto, one of the Six Priests and makes use of magic. There's also Yunica Toba, a girl who makes use of an axe for close combat and is born in the Toba Priest Family.

So it looks like you can choose between the two characters this time. Can't wait to play it!


もしご連絡しても宜しければメールアドレスもご入力下さい。迷惑会社- いや… 第三者等に提供することもしないのでご安心を。


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