LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames



根據BBC新聞報告在歐洲發賣的數字音頻播放器可能就快強制音量的上限到85dB。但如果使用者想的話也可以調到100dB。 看來許多人在通勤時為了減低交通的噪音,把音量調過高所以聽覺出現問題。有些播放器可調到120dB - 像噴射式飛機那麼大聲。 我用我部播放器原裝的耳筒要把音量調到40之15(38%),但用了耳道式耳筒後只要調到40之7(18%)。 耳筒入到耳道好像會不舒服但其實不太差。但當以,也不可再聽到別人的談話哪(笑) BBC新聞應該要收正MP3 Players為DAP (Digital Audio Players)。現時的播放器己經不是只可播放MP...

Evangelion 2.0, A Bit of Rumour Confirmed About New Character

Remember the rumour two years ago about the mysterious new female character in the next Evangelion 2.0 movie? Well, I was just browsing the Gainax site curious to find out what the specs are for the new earphones being released this month but then, I came across a figure of the new heroine. Apparently, her name is indeed "Mary" - Full name...