LH Yeung.net Blog - AniGames


Makoto Shinkai Artbook Sora no Kioku Covers Revealed

I still haven't managed to find a good place to order Makoto Shinkai's first artbook yet. Reader Maltos managed to find HMV (it's in English) but, £7 delivery is just a bit hefty to be honest when the book itself is already around £13 so I'm still keeping an eye out for alternatives. I suppose it's better than Amazon's ridiculous 19...

Traffic and Host Bandwidth Usage for March

Well, it's been a month since I purchased my own domain, hosting space and moved my blog. Only half the hits I usually get have managed to get transferred over here so far and I'm still finding people commenting on the old Wordpress account one. I'm tempted to delete it altogether but, there are images hosted on their servers and I have no...

MP3 Players and Photos in Shopping Centres

Snapped this picture a few days ago in a shopping centre because I thought Advanced MP3 Players was just an online store. Their service was great. Quick e-mail responses and fast courier based deliveries so it was interesting to find they had set up a stall here too. I used to order from them when DAPs only played a limited number of file...

Move to New Host and Domain Complete

And what an exciting name I chose, eh? I actually wanted to go with Xcomp.com or Xcomp.co.uk but both of them had already been taken. I had thought of going with "Xcomp-Yuuenchi" but I don't really intend to keep that name for long. Just didn't want a Japanese word in my domain name for the long term so I arrived at Xcomprandomness...

Moving to Own Domain and Host

I've finally decided to take the plunge and have invested in my own domain and private hosting space. The traffic I've been getting has increased from a mere daily 100 unique visitors to almost 1000 since starting this new blog on Wordpress and is staying around that mark. So I thought maybe I can do more if I had my own space without the...

Microsoft Office 2007 Window Switching Delay Resolved!

After installing a student copy of Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate Edition, I found that every time I tried switching between documents or windows, its application windows would pause for a few seconds before being usable. It's been very annoying but fortunately, I came across what was causing the problem. It was the Acrobat...

Machines to Boost Human Intelligence by 2029?

That is, according to Ray Kurzweil. Humanity is on the brink of advances that will see tiny robots implanted in people's brains to make them more intelligent, said Ray Kurzweil. The engineer believes machines and humans will eventually merge through devices implanted in the body to boost intelligence and health. Right, more...

An Unexpected Burst of Traffic with Professor Layton

My guide was written when the Japanese version came out though so, a number of puzzles probably don't match up correctly. I wonder how long the traffic will keep flowing in? Perhaps until more guides appear but, will Western players heed Level 5's appeal to not write answer guide...

Missing E-mails

Just a temp post. Could anyone who e-mailed me within the past 9 hours (yeah, it's work time over here!) re-send their e-mails to me please? Sorry but, my anti-virus was acting up while it scanned the last small batch of e-mails and seemed to have corrupted a number of them. Now I can't get the e-mails off the server again since it thinks...